Trash Can Cleaning Comes to Greenville, North Carolina! Be the 1st on Your Block!

Trash Can CleaningIt’s hot and humid in the Eastern North Carolina summer and the best time to try Trash Can Cleaning. EnviroCleaned serves all of Pitt County. Garbage and recycling containers attract insects and the insects attract spiders and other varmits looking to prey on bugs.

Raccoons and snakes are attracted by the smaller creatures. It smells bad to you, but it’s a buffet to flies. Those juicy maggots are their calling card.

Want to get rid of those bugs? In dry weather it does bake down to a crusty crisp. But when it rains it’s “Just add water” and the stench and insects are back with a vengeance. Sign up on this website to get your trash bins and recycling containers cleaned and sanitized. Pay by the year and get a whopping 15% off!

EnviroCleaned Trash Can Cleaning is Eco-Friendly!

EnviroCleaned uses patented eco-friendly cleaning and sanitizing agents when treating your trash bins. Therefore, there are no harmful detergents or bleaches. Consequently, our high pressure steam sanitizing process removes dirt, grease, and grime in the cleanest way. You get sanitizing and disinfectants which not only smell great, but halt the insects and animals attracted to your containers. Think of EnviroCleaned services as a steaming powerwash specifically engineered for your trash and recycling containers. The results are unbelievable!

Proprietor Sherri Drake With Employee & Husband Ken Drake

EnviroCleaned is a woman-owned and operated curbside trash bin cleaning business in Greenville, NC. Our custom-designed equipment uses an ecologically friendly process for cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing even the most filthy recycling and trash bins.

And get this- we recycle the water we use! An amazing system of high tech filters renders the water clean, and then we recycle that water. Finally, our water is so clean, our Top Employee Ken will drink it in front of you, if requested.

Please check us out on Facebook! And like us too!

Yes, You’re Gonna See Great Results!

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